Monday, April 30, 2007

Melbourne/Point Lonsdale


Melbourne Mall....woooh check out the much of a tourist am I, just need a bum bag

Uh Oh!...someone has been caught out in the 'Hello Kitty' shop. I have come up with a new microeconomics theory for the 'Hello Kitty' shop....if you decrease the size of the product, you increase the price of the product, which leads to increase in girls satisfaction and decrease in blokes wallet

Thought this was kinda kool...near the arts centre

Queens or St. Mary's residence....just slightly nicer than Investigator Hall at AMC.

View of Port Phillip Bay from Ashlee's the right is the rip (entrance to the Bass Strait)

View from the back beach (doesn't curve around like this, but this is 6 photos stitched together for panoramic view

Happy 21st Adel

To set the scene Mel, Jarrod, Melissa, Ash and I departed the infamous Queens residence in Melbourne University with a logistically loaded boot in the old Honda accord, headed for 40mins somewhere out in the sticks of victoria for Adel's 21st... I have never seen a girl red line a car so much before!!! Mel you are a lead foot...i luv it!

After the short road trip with a car full of hooligans we arrived in the sticks...with the gurls glammed up and Jarrod and I on high alert the night started.

Ahh the old collegians (Mel,Ash,Melissa,Em), reunited

Ash and Mel digging up embarassing memories for Adel's speech with Adel on the far left in the typical embarrased stance.

Hmmm theres not much I can say here without being in the dog house... lets just say at least we were all in true form! Especially you Sara

Ash looking stunning and I

Stunners...where is the b'day girl???

Melissa, Ash and Adel....thanx for the great party Adel and the nice aromatic scents left from ur bro in the morning after a big night on the modified water!

A note from the Editor.....Adel sorry for the random drunk msgs left in your 21st book. That was Sara who spilt the red wine on your book...well actually I don't think it was but it sounds about right! Further apologies to Sara for the scribbles left on her hand...which was justified by her slaps...we're even

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Hey folks just a few photos of the dawn service we attended dismorning in Launceston. Was not as good as last year, however despite the sub zero conditions and my new found friend in 'thermals' we payed our respects. For those of us who were man enough, we had a nip of rum for breakfast at a bit after 6am....ok honestly the ppl who were not man enough were actually our DD's.

Breakfast after the service at BLUE near the archy buildings which involved me playing with my new camera with a mug shot of this bloke that almost broke my new canon lense...usually like all things new one tends to break it in softly e.g. new subwoofer...don't turn up the sub full at first and a new car you don't plant your foot all the way down for a few weeks. Likewise with a camera you take photos of nice gental images such as flowers and girls not these subjects below!

Yet another example of shananagins with moron....hows that new liquid soap in the showers in the navy maroney??? or do you just tie a cake of soap to your ankle?

Wasn't easy but yes I have paid out both of these blokes on my site to which i refer to as mates...I'm sure they will use that term loosely towards me now lol, but of course I am expecting the same in return...nothing less.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Cup Day 07

In true form at the races...and always willing to volunteer and lend a hand without pay.

Negotiating our way up cradle mt.

What a bunch of fag nuts....Aza, myself and Ben on top of the world (Cradle Mountain)

Cradle Mountain

G'day everyone, well this is my first picture I have uploaded on my site. This is the magnificent Cradle Mountain, with Dove lake in the foreground.

An Intro for Phildo

Yes hello you have entered this site at your own risk and I will take no responsibility for some of the pictures and blogs that you may experience in the future. Due to frequent hackings from the vermin who hang out in my myspace account I have decided to create this site.

Anyway boys and girls keep an eye out on my blog for updates of photos and adventures that may happen, I will try and do the best I can to post most photos and keep the place neat and tidy and up to date