To celebrate Liz's 21st B'day the gappies from gramma, other randoms plus us representing the AMC possy joined Liz at the Prickly Cactus. Fish bowls were the only things on our minds, whilst not forgetting the task at hand, which was to make sure Liz got absolutely AMC crew always strive to do the best in our studies so why not drinking? However both do not mix well!
The B'day girl

Gramma tutors + gappies & AMC representatitives

B'day girl receiving a kiss from Ash

Steph, Tom (bloody pom's), Leigh, myself
No fish bowls for me but in tru yobbo style I have a jug of cactus juice and a beer glass to down it with (all I know is that there is like a quarter of a bottle of midori in it)

When the group decided to split up we taxied out to the casino to phat is that water fountain in the back left!

You know after fish bowls the level of conversation and the types of photos taken are going to go down hill
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