Monday, April 30, 2007

Melbourne/Point Lonsdale


Melbourne Mall....woooh check out the much of a tourist am I, just need a bum bag

Uh Oh!...someone has been caught out in the 'Hello Kitty' shop. I have come up with a new microeconomics theory for the 'Hello Kitty' shop....if you decrease the size of the product, you increase the price of the product, which leads to increase in girls satisfaction and decrease in blokes wallet

Thought this was kinda kool...near the arts centre

Queens or St. Mary's residence....just slightly nicer than Investigator Hall at AMC.

View of Port Phillip Bay from Ashlee's the right is the rip (entrance to the Bass Strait)

View from the back beach (doesn't curve around like this, but this is 6 photos stitched together for panoramic view

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